Thursday, September 9, 2010

9/11 Series: I wonder

tell me something: why a wacko, a lunatic from nowhere with only 50 followers has the whole world's attention?
A so
let's then acknowledge each and every wacko and lunatic
but not because of me. Hello, I mean, imagine a response: "You're wacko! Totally obscure and unimportant, whatever you do doesn't matter!"
and the situation is magically defused
but noooo
throw a religion in an equation and there's some more burning
of flags and stuff (even preemptive)
i am so pissed off
but, let me tell you
this shit really upsets me, I mean, Obama really comes up weak
he has to prove he's a christian
he has to send Muslims a message
that even though it's stupid
he cannot simply forbid the man to do stuff.
and all 2 months before elections
I'm really at unease

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